Rotunda, Thessaloniki, Greece | @johnpoulos23gr |
Journey to the Past |
Peel back the layers of Thessaloniki’s past cultures by taking a walking tour of its many architectural ruins. Climb the iconic, seaside White Tower for a view of the harbor before heading to the Arch of Galerius and Rotunda for a taste of Roman relics. Explore Turkish hammams and Orthodox churches. Stroll the Byzantine walls to the Trigoniou Tower and try to keep all the different historical eras straight. |
#salonica | @giorgosgiol |
Bay Watch |
Thessaloniki is home to one of Europe’s largest ports, and its waterfront delights could keep you entertained all day. Start at Aristotelous Square, a center of activity lined with shops and restaurants. If you’re visiting during any kind of holiday or event, odds are the action is happening here. The square opens up to the Thermaikos Gulf and you can begin strolling along the 3.5-kilometer walkway that runs to the White Tower. View art installations and statues along the way, and if you haven’t had enough, hop on a boat and go sailing. |
Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki | @missmispronounced |
Ladadika District | @christinatouloumtzidou |
Shine Bright |
Thessaloniki’s youthful and positive energy has persisted even throughout Greece’s recent economic turmoil and you’ll find it in many of the city’s quirkier stops. From snapping photos in a train cemetery to dancing the night away in a bathhouse turned club, Thessaloniki knows how to show you a good time. Spend ample time in the Ladadika District, a colorful and lively area full of restaurants, bars and shops. During the day, go shopping in the local markets, sampling fresh feta at the glass-roofed Modiano and the traditional Kapani food markets. |
@victorene |
"Thessaloniki is the second largest city in Greece and a great place to see all year round. It’s a great place for street photography and nightlife! The Greeks have a saying: ‘Never spend time with people that have been to Thessaloniki and did not like it! They are not ok!" |
Wow, I really like the look of this place. The nightlife sounds amazing, and I say that as someone who shys away from clubbing! Have added to my to-go list :)
ResponderExcluirfarrah | hellofarrah
Que sitio lindo e nunca tinha ouvido falar ou visto blogues a falar desta cidade. Obrigada querida!
ResponderExcluirthis city seems to combine ugly and beautiful at will!
ResponderExcluirhey Delta
ResponderExcluirby far the best Thessaloniki blog I have read so far. With 72 hours in the city I hope I will get to most of the “recommendations”.
Que sitio encantador. Sabes dizer se é caro? Quero ir com o meu namorado mas ouço dizer que a Grécia é cara. Bjs
ResponderExcluirOlá Ana, depende do que escolheres. Esta zona por não ser tão turística é mais barata. O hotel que recomendo acima, o Colors Urban Hotel, um quarto de casal em época alta ronda os 130€, mas tudo depende das comodidades obviamente. Em termos de refeições, o mesmo. Por exemplo, no facebook de um dos restaurantes que recomendo consegues consultar a carta menu (https://www.facebook.com/KitchenBarGr/app/128953167177144/?ref=page_internal).
ExcluirEspero ter ajudado. Obrigada pelo teu comentário. Beijinhos
Thessaloniki is not only the less-known major city in northern Greece but it is the entry point to Naoussa and the region's inky, black voluptuous wines. - True
ResponderExcluirOi Delta vc tem os melhores posts de viagem dessa web. amooooo beijooo
ResponderExcluirFaites plus de guides de voyage avec les villes françaises!
ResponderExcluirGrandes posts de viagem