Apple Braid

Saudável, nutritivo e extremamente saboroso, este Pão de Maçã vegano fará as delicias de todos! [Recipe in English & Receita em Português for download]

Guarda a imagem e leva a receita contigo no teu smartphone para consultares de forma rápida e eficiente.

Save the image and take the recipe with you on your smartphone for quick and efficient browsing.

13 comentários:

  1. Ana Lima20 novembro

    Que boa ideia querida! Vou guardá-la e fazer a receita sem precisar de perder tempo a imprimir ou fazer copy past

  2. Sounds delish. Do you happen to have nutrition information?

  3. Magic Mc20 novembro

    Everytime I see these pancakes, and I have no idea why I've yet to make them, I think, Pancakes for Peace. Really, how you could be anything but purely peaceful eating these. Unless someone grabbed them off your plate. That probably wouldn't be so peaceful.

  4. Wonderful ideas the bread looks fabulous - the pictures make my mouth water with the thoughts of how good it tastes. The baking idea
    Will come in handy when our son leaves to go to Afghanistan soon

  5. Andrea Does20 novembro

    This sounds so good! I want to ship it to my boyfriend in Afghanistan - how do you think it would do being baked in a mason jar? (When we ship over cakes, we fill half of a jar with cake batter and as it bakes, it rises and fills the whole jar. Boiling the lid seals it onto the jar and keeps the cake fresh until the guys open it.) How much did the bread rise?

  6. I want to eat them right this minute yummy

  7. I will definitely be trying these out they look so good!

  8. OMG these look perfect Delta *_*

  9. Ana Sofia Leandro20 novembro

    Que aspecto <3

  10. They look amazing! Thanks for sharing the recipe :)

  11. They look really good! I should try them!
    I loved the post so much and btw thanks for making my mouth water a little bit hahah love you Delta x

    Zoel Hernández |

  12. Delicious post Delta! I might make some tomorrow!

    I uploaded a new post on my blog: My Top 5 Songs of the Week. Would you mind checking it out?

    I hope you are having a lovely weekend!

    Jeff. x

  13. Anônimo20 novembro

    Adoro o teu blog


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